PSA Nitrogen Generator

PSA Nitrogen Generators use the pressure swing principle or Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) method to generate nitrogen. This involves passing purified compressed air through a container that contains a carbon molecular sieve (CMS), whereby the oxygen molecules in the air are absorbed while flowing through. This adsorption process continues until the activated carbon is saturated with oxygen molecules. The same process then starts in the second container while the saturated container regenerates itself. This process takes place in every single module. The result is Nitrogen with a stable purity grade of 99 % up to 99.999 %.

Airmech provide complete system including a compressor, filter, refrigerant dryer, activated-carbon adsorber, receivers, PSA nitrogen generator and other treatment components. The result is more reliability, more independence and outstanding efficiency.

Get the Purity, Support, and Service that Your Brand Needs

Standard Features
  • Nitrogen purity from 99 % to 99.999 %
  • Nitrogen flow Capacities From: -1 Nm3/to 2000 Nm3/hr
  • Delivery pressure up to 7.5 bar to 12 bar (g)
  • Dew Point Up to (- 40) Deg C
  • Ready to use upon delivery
  • Modular skid-based unit with fully automated operation with one touch start & Stop.
  • Easy to maintain with continuously monitored purity flow